Need Better Hooks? Here’s Some AI Magic For You!

Need Better Hooks? Here’s Some AI Magic For You!

Capturing Attention in 3 Seconds: The AI Magic You Need! 🎥✨


Did you know you have only three seconds to grab someone’s attention in a video? If you miss that window, they’re gone. But how do you make those first three seconds count? Today, I’m showing you some AI magic that makes it easy. Let’s dive in!


The Power of an Engaging Hook


Over my career as a broadcast director and video marketer, I’ve written thousands of hooks for commercials, jingles, and sales presentations. But even for me, coming up with new ideas can be tough. That’s why I created a simple fill-in-the-blank prompt for ChatGPT to generate 25 engaging hooks in five different styles for any video.


How it Works:


All you need to start is a video script that needs a killer hook. 

Then you combine it with the fill-in-the-blanks ChatGPT Prompt Below.

And Boom... you'll have 25 hooks written in 5 different styles!

In case you're wondering… Here are the five different question hook styles:


1️⃣ The Question Hook:

Asking a question gets people thinking and keeps them curious for the answer.


2️⃣ The Teaser Hook:

Tease a little bit of your content to build curiosity and hold their interest.


3️⃣ The Promise Hook:

Make a promise of a specific benefit or takeaway. If they want that benefit, they’ll stick around.


4️⃣ The Challenge Hook:

Pose a challenge. When viewers imagine themselves overcoming it, they stay engaged.


5️⃣ The Bold Claim Hook:

Make a big claim. People will stick around to see you prove it. 



Using ChatGPT to Generate Hooks


Simply replace the red text with your script or bullet points and paste the following into ChatGPT:


Today we are creating highly engaging hooks for the first few seconds of our video.  The content of the video is:

[Replace with video script or detailed bullet point outline here]

We would like to generate 5 highly engaging hooks in each of the following styles for a total of 25 hooks:

The Question Hook: Engages viewers by involving them in a thought process, prompting curiosity and anticipation for the answer.

The Teaser Hook: Builds curiosity and interest by providing a glimpse of the most compelling part of your video, making viewers eager to continue watching.

The Promise Hook: Offers a specific benefit or valuable takeaway, motivating viewers to watch the video to the end to claim that benefit.

The Challenge Hook: Engages viewers by posing a challenge or task, tapping into their competitive spirit or desire for self-improvement.

The Bold Claim Hook: Captures attention with a controversial or unexpected statement, sparking interest in how the claim will be supported or resolved.