


Hi! I’m David Miller, the founder of The Maximizers community. It’s a home to share the video marketing knowledge and expertise gained from an exciting journey through the worlds of broadcast television, promotion, digital marketing, live events, and content creation.


I have grateful for having the very best job in the world, being a producer, director, composer, art director, animator, web and app designer, technology integrator and multi-business entrepreneur. You know, the fun stuff!


It has been a pure joy to work with top TV professionals to develop national shows like “NASCAR Angels” and “Right This Minute”, seen by millions of viewers each week. For decades it’s been a blast to compose and produce the theme songs for TV shows, commercials, brands, and countless show segments. And here’s the best part; along the way I have worked with many of the world’s largest brands, most talented individuals, while having the very most fun helping people to make their media and marketing dreams come true.


 (Cue the folksy music)

David was introduced to his high school sweetheart Kay. They lived happily ever after — of course.

He got his start in media working at a recording studio when he was still in high school. It was a great introduction to the world of audio production, radio commercials, and vacuuming the floor.

While still in high school he began working at one of America’s legendary television stations, KOOL TV - CBS in Phoenix Arizona. He was an editor, photographer, writer, artist, animator and coordinator of live news. He also was able to work with his father, Bill, a broadcasting legend who ran the news department.

It was about that same time that David created IdeaFarm, a commercial music studio. IdeaFarm has produced thousands of commercials, theme songs, music packages, and live musical presentations.

Six years later, Bill, David, along with Phil Alvidrez and Dennis O’Neill (two of television’s brightest producers and news directors) moved across the street to the ABC station. Over the next five years, they and a brilliant management team took the station from last to first in the ratings. For more than 15 years they would re-invent local news and local television again and again. David spent much of those years working on award-winning promotion campaigns, brand image, music, art direction, and groundbreaking production techniques. Eventually, the company grew to four TV channels, multiple radio stations, a magazine, and a top-ranking website.

But the media biz got much more interesting when that same team along with Beth Reynolds, (cross-platform sales and marketing star), went on to create a new television development company called MagicDust that has created national TV shows seen by millions of people every week. First with NASCAR Angels, sharing the emotional stories of changing lives by helping people in need, and then with Right This Minute, a daily viral videos show airing more than 6000 episodes, over 11 years. Yep, 6000! It was exhausting and fun.

During those years, David was responsible for all things digital; the website, social media, and app design and development. He was also behind all the show’s fun, quirky and heartfelt promotion campaigns. He composed music and developed sales presentations and webinars. he was was also responsible for inventing customized production workflows, databases, and content management and distribution systems. It was the daily trifecta of content, marketing and technology. Joy!

Over the years david has received dozens of regional, national, and international awards for journalism, marketing, advertising, music and art direction.

David and Kay are still in love. Their life together has been blessed by kids, a grandkid, horses, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters and a gecko.

And after all that, David says, “I’m just getting started” 😊

I've had the great joy to work with: